Riverdaughter confluence. COM top-level domain. Riverdaughter confluence

COM top-level domainRiverdaughter confluence  Nevertheless, Republicans are much easier for their party to control

We’re going to miss her. William on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… Beata on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… campskunk on What I learned from listening… riverdaughter on What I learned from listening…The Confluence. Siteadvisor Rating. Thanks, Riverdaughter. Special Master, Judge Dearie,…While Riverdaughter, Mawm and Gary go with their PUMA packs to PUMA headquarters in downtown Denver or prowl in the PUMAmobile, Rico’s got his Pink PUMA & Mountain Lion Martini glasses chilling in ice, while Flo’s got her catcher’s mitt ready for unwelcome words. Thanks!: Recent Comments. It will be like, “Oooo, Riverdaughter is a “creative class” unaffiliated. Thanks!: Recent Comments. I have been lurking for quite some time and have found this to be my favorite place on the web. Then I had t, c, s, and o, after three guesses. My hometown is Pittsburgh, PA and my relatives all had houses within site of one of the four rivers. Suburban Guerrilla. Thanks!: Recent Comments. 😏: William on The Truth is Out There. I voted in the basement of the church just down the hill. Suburban Guerrilla. Riverdaughter, beautifully said. Tips gratefully accepted here. wordpress. Open Thread. Subscribe to The Confluence in an RSS reader. Suburban Guerrilla. …: thewizardofroz on Steve Garvey Running for U. William on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… Beata on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… campskunk on What I learned from listening… riverdaughter on What I learned from listening…Like you, Riverdaughter, I used to be a longtime fan of KO. Tina Turner (1939-2023) Posted on May 24, 2023 by riverdaughter. Categories. Posted on July 17, 2023 by wlp22. I thought I had finally found a sane, balanced commentator to counter the O’Reillys, Becks, and Dobbs of the media world. I don’t wear socks in my sneakers either. riverdaughter on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Ga6thDem on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Propertius on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on E. 50 Rating by CuteStat. Should return to normal next week. twitter. There is no sentence in the Constitution which says, "The right to travel freely among the states and territories shall be enjoyed by all citizens. Imagine if it’s your kid’s prescription for albuterol. Subscribe to The Confluence in an RSS reader. First, he waited two weeks before legally responding to the search of Mar-a-Lago. Posted on September 7, 2022 by riverdaughter 1. Thanks!:2 posts published by riverdaughter and wlp22 on May 31, 2023Tips gratefully accepted here. Here is just another example of Trump furiously unspooling a wholly improbable explanation that his MAGA cult will eat up with a spoon while the rest of us are gobsmacked by his sheer brazen chutzpah: There’s a lot going on here and this is going to reviewed: Trump on the recording of him pic. INDY stands for I’m Not Dead Yet. Their virility is part of their persona. They want to put all the responsibility for healing the rift on the Congress, Biden, 81 million American voters whose votes they…Riverdaughter, Thank you for this site and the message you are supporting. …On April 1, my grandmother’s birthday, I had a and r after two tries, and then c h as the last two letters. Posted on April 7, 2023 by riverdaughter Excuse me for saying this but Obama weaponized the word racism. iPhone users are coastal elites. . Tips gratefully accepted here. William on Jeopardy!: jmac on Jeopardy!: William on Jeopardy!: riverdaughter on Oh yes Republicans would like…: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Oh yes Republicans would like…: campskunk on Oh yes Republicans would like…: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Memorial Day: eurobrat on. Taking our inspiration from Riverdaughter’s post Saturday morning (Saturday: A little thing for the girls), the next selection for The Confluence Book Club (the week of February 23-28) is Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortensen:The Confluence. beltway in a massive traffic jam. : campskunk on Trump Pounds the Table. Click “Refresh” button for SSL Information at the Safety. My third guess was SCRUM, and it showed S-RU-, my c…Donald John Trump (his serial killer name), has done some tricksy acrobatics on the legal front. wordpress. For anyone who knows me and hasn’t heard about this yet, don’t worry. COM zone. Adjacent to Confluence Park at the convergence of Cherry Creek and the South Platte River, our 287 exceptionally designed one-, two- and three-bedroom, for-lease apartment homes offer breathtaking. O third. Entries RSS | Comments RSS. Riverdaughter hung in day after day, posting her intelligent. Not the gruesome or violent kind; I prefer the psychological, well-written stories. Posted on June 20, 2023 by riverdaughter. 😏: jmac on The Culmination of the Madness…: Propertius on The Culmination of the Madness…: wlp22 on The Culmination of the Madness…: riverdaughter on The. Riverdaughter. wordpress. But there is so much more that most of us Tolkien fans knew nothing about until recently, like all of his letters and even more tales that went unfinished. For me, my biggest hope is that when BO loses, the DNC can be cleaned up and returned to the people of the party. (Easy to fix but annoying AF. Posted on November 6, 2020 by riverdaughter Why did we win this year and not in 2016? My best guess as to what eventually put us over the top was the sheer number of additional voters. In turn, that ability depends on Uncle Sam being able to send our brothers and sisters to get killed fighting rebels when the local quisling elites fail to suppress rebellions against such exploitation. Oh, there are always things to worry about. Trump has spent an entire life finding ways to avoid being punished for the worst series of non-homicide crimes ever committed in this country, and this is very unlikely to change. Posted on November 26, 2021 by riverdaughter Happy Thanksgiving weekend! I hope you are all well and. myiq2xu, on January 18, 2010 at 2:31 pm said:riverdaughter on The Truth is Out There. There definitely should be art and culture forums, but I guess there would have to be a moderator to keep it from turning into the same contentious thing. William on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… Beata on This is Really Very Simpl… James Bowater on I am forming an exploratory… campskunk on What I learned from listening… riverdaughter on What I learned from listening…So, the right wing Republican noise machine wants unity and kumbaya and, apparently, only Biden and the Democrats can provide that. They want the easy way out. Shapiro was especially offensive with his bad boyfriend, “Where else are you going to go?” Downright creepy. Posted on March 26, 2008 by riverdaughter MABlue helpfully provides us with this link of Jamie Rubin getting his point across and lazy@$$ “journalist”, Andrea Mitchell having to sit there and take it. ”. Personal concerns, and then general political concerns. I have to take my laptop into the corporate very bright people for. Email Subscription. There’s a post at WaPo about moderate Democrats defecting in order to not lose their seats. Tips gratefully accepted here. Yay; Good news from SCOTUS; Hmm; I saw the light;. This is something that many of us had sensed from the beginnings of Facebook, and increasingly so in recent years. …: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Shiny Happy People: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Shiny Happy People: riverdaughter on Shiny. 1 post published by riverdaughter on June 5, 2021. You may have heard out of the corner of your ear that something happened that involved Fox News yesterday but you’re not sure what it’s all about because you haven’t heard anything on the news. 50. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Maybe labs should just close up for good and any good portfolio items transferred to Europe. 😏: William on The Truth is Out There. If you haven't read ronkseattle's summary of the DailyKos writer's strike so far, please do. I'll make this fairly brief, and try not to let it spoil my day, but I am frustrated and chagrined. She had great legs. It’s in the iPhone App Store. A weblog for Democrats in Exile. Thanks!: Recent Comments. ; There is an opportunity coming. This is a fascinating though upsetting topic. Last night, I tried to update my laptop at home and somehow managed to fubar it. Tips gratefully accepted here. Posted on May 23, 2023 by wlp22. This was a few years after 2008, when The. It is clear that No Labels is dedicated to putting the Republicans in the presidency. riverdaughter on Walk to work music: Scorc… campskunk on Walk to work music: Scorc… Propertius on How George Conway shows that t… Propertius on Happy July 4…1882? William on Happy July 4…1882? William on Happy July 4…1882? Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Happy July 4…1882? campskunk on Happy July 4…1882?riverdaughter, on December 16, 2022 at 6:41 pm said:. Joyce Vance helpfully breaks it down from legalese to human in her substack article “Trump in Trouble”. thewizardofroz on Steve Garvey Running for U. Subscribe to The Confluence in an RSS reader. BFF alerted me that Trump was launching Truth Social this weekend. We work to strengthen existing churches, plant healthy churches, train and equip leaders, and partner with our global family, Newfrontiers. So Happy Tolkien Reading Day. Tips gratefully accepted here. Propertius, on February 10, 2022 at 2:53 pm said: I know – I just thought I’d mention it because I think it’s a real possibility in Malone’s case. A weblog for Democrats in Exile. Barack Obama Bernie Sanders Conflucians Say Elizabeth Warren Glenn Beck Glenn Greenwald Goldman Sachs Hillary Clinton John Edwards John McCain Karl Rove Matt Taibbi Michelle Obama NO WE WON'T OccupyWallStreet occupy wall street Sarah Palin unemployment. kenoshaMarge, on June 6, 2008 at 10:35 am said:Posts about Lockheed Martin written by riverdaughter. : Propertius on “No Labels” is Ano…: Propertius on “No Labels” is Ano…: riverdaughter on Trump Pounds the Table. I’m all right. Sweat is literally dripping off of me and my face is beet red. " A group of rich people of various ages have apparently…Did you ever wonder how Herschel Walker got so close to winning a senate seat in Georgia in spite of his massive hypocrisy, lies and traumatic brain injuries? It’s because the Republican voters in. riverdaughter on Random s{}% campskunk on Random s{}% Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Gordon Lightfoot 1938-2023: William on Gordon Lightfoot 1938-2023: eurobrat on A prayerful reason for Tucker… riverdaughter on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Ga6thDem on A prayerful reason for Tucker… Propertius on A prayerful reason. Let me count the ways: Ridiculous unemployment issues post pharma patent cliff and Great Recession HVAC (broken then replaced, cha-Ching) Retaining wall and driveway (unfixed. com headlines: Observe fresh posts and updates on Riverdaughter Wordpress. I’ve never posted before but check in. Damn, Hillary Clinton! The race is virtually tied (and with MI and FL *actually* tied) and she has the unmitigated gall to want to continue to let people vote. Thanks!:Posted on January 2, 2012 by riverdaughter Yesterday, I wrote that the VastApostateArmy of former Jehovah’s Witnesses was starting to take direct action against the Watchtower Society. Updated 3 years 7 months ago Update Stat PageSpeed Score. So – – – c h, with an a and an r. Fetterman has been out there on the campaign trail…He was a fine football player at Michigan State, and then an All-Star baseball player for the Dodgers. I’d like to think that they have enough empathy to realize that it’s time to stop attacking their opponents and “start attacking the problem. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. riverdaughter on How to beat Trump. Email Address: Sign me up! Join 1,651 other subscribersWelcome to The Confluence, a luxuriously modern residential high-rise towering 35 dramatic stories above the site where Denver was founded. S. Posted on June 6, 2023 by riverdaughter No offense, media people, but I’m not interested in another story about whether Annoying Orange is going to be indicted. Now, he’s trying to forum shop a judge in Florida to delay the inevitable and give him his documents back. …: thewizardofroz on Steve Garvey Running for U. riverdaughter, on July 18, 2022 at 7:55 am said: Me and my arrow. No l, so not larch, no p, so not parch. A weblog for Democrats in Exile. It got so bad in 2008 on this site that consisted mainly of Hillary supporters that we had to throw the words. I’m so glad the Confluence is here. Hey girl. com. I have mentioned that I have bought many anthologies of what may be called "Dark Fantasy" stories, which others might call "Horror" stories. thewizardofroz on Steve Garvey Running for U. I am a resident of the deepest, darkest jungles of the central New Jersey suburbs working in research. Race wasn’t just a “factor” in the mix. darthvelma on Question: What’s wrong with th. Idiots are still giving him money, after all. It’s a long episode worth listening to. Zelenskyy is this century’s Churchill. My earliest memories of Lightfoot were trying to remember every word of every verse of The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. The best way to avoid a wrenching moral decision is to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. Latest check. He was articulate, and loved to extol the virtues of baseball. He’s. 😏: riverdaughter on Fox News may have met its… riverdaughter on Fox News may have met its… Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on Fox News may have met its… jmac on Fox News may have met its… riverdaughter on Fox News. The jig is up with the DC establishment. The Confluence. a very long time ago. It is that I become more and more convinced that the Republican arsonist caucus fully intends not to raise the debt ceiling, something that has never. I…Tips gratefully accepted here. 19 | July | 2023 | The Confluence. Has been for awhile. This reputation system receives ratings from users and information from third-party sources,. 😏: William on The Truth is Out There. Tweet. The free states did not want to do that, and it eventually led to war. Propertius on The Russian Army is implo…: wlp22 on Everyone is Complaining About…: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on The Russian Army is implo…: Propertius on Everyone is Complaining About…: Propertius on Everyone is Complaining About…: Ivory Bill Woodpecke… on. Riverdaughter, I love your views, but I’m surprised that you’d think Hillary would do anything less than noble. I was going along, with 202 Wordles in a row which I had gotten correctly, 217 out of 218 altogether. Our conference call was cut short tonight due to bad telephone connection but there are some interesting things in store this week: There are now entries at the action page of JustSayNoDeal. She started out easy and did it nice and rough. " Today there was an effective refutation of "The Big Lie," the claim that the 2020…Here’s another tragic story about a 39 year old guy who died from Covid because he didn’t get the vaccine. Thanks!: Recent Comments. One thing stood out to me during yesterday’s hearing. Hi everyone, Please use this post to tell us what your Election Day experience was like. Here’s my question. c fourth. Whiskey in the jar. Thanks!:Web Analysis for Riverdaughter Wordpress - riverdaughter. wordpress. No one I know wants to watch Steve Kornacki manically bounce around in front of a map like a kid on 5 boxes of chocolate frosted…Good Morning Conflucians! It's hard to believe, but The Confluence is nearly two years old. They’re usually the most bizarre and improbable thoughts. riverdaughter, on September 21, 2022 at 8:14 am said:Posted on July 18, 2023 by riverdaughter. Page Resources. But I would see it, maybe in previews of upcoming episodes, or online; and it always seemed to…The fact that democracy is hanging by a thread and some voters are stumbling into giving up their rights to make any changes in the decades going forward should chill us all to the bone, especially…riverdaughter on The Truth is Out There. Posted on May 24, 2022 by riverdaughter. William, on July 18, 2022 at 11:25 am said: Yes, Republicans find or invent one issue to focus on, and then fill the airwaves with it, the intent is to drown out everything else.